World Predicitons

Update 31/08 Terror Attacks predictions 2017

Update: Just wanted to do a quick update on what I see, it is possible that the Netherlands will also be under attack since in my visions I see a “coastal” zone in the Netherlands, maybe a port with ships or containers with goods in the area. I am not certain if it will ever take place, but if so it could be during the next 3 months from now.

Also just recently Norway has been showing up in my visions, this may also not have been Isis primary plan but I see it closer and clearer now. Careful in the next months please as I keep seeing the same message for Norway, possible attack, over and over again.



Terror Attacks by ISIS next possible Predictions 2017

Attempting to predict the next possible ISIS attacks ( terror attacks )


Next attack will be in France killer will either be hiding in Asturias (Spain) or near the region  / area of Frankfurt in Germany, Italy is to be seen as a possible target also following the France attack.

Germany could also be facing an attack (please see map for the region where it says 2ndary).


The countries I see under attack should be: France, Italy and Germany. I am unsure about the order but would say:


Possibility 1) France > Germany > Italy

Possibility 2) France > Italy > Germany


The next attacks will be not only with trucks but I see more and more the use of knives, there could be a situation of a woman in a burka exploding herself. She will be holding a newspaper or a paper in her hands, the burka is completed (closed) and black, her front teeth are decayed, her name is related to the words Maria or Magdalene (interestingly I see a Christian name here but maybe there is an equivalent for this in other languages).

I have uploaded a Map with a description below. I was also told that the head of ISIS that is responsible for the operations in Europe and perhaps other places is either living or located for the time being in Ireland, possibly near the area of Dublin. I see a woman with him so I suspect it could be his wife or family.


Details on the France Attack

Details on the attacks are still unclear for me so this section is just a draft. Number of deaths in this new Attack in France from what it seems like at the moment is either 12 or 16 I have received another message saying it could be 30 but it is unsure.

The number of deaths in this new Attack in France from what it seems like at the moment is either 12 or 16 I have received another message saying it could be 30 but it is unsure.

City or place of the terror attack: Please see map ” primary Area ” I do not think it will be directly in Paris but have a stronger feeling for that blue area on the map ” primary area ” the “2ndary” area could be the attack in Germany or the place where the attacker is currently hiding.







The Solar Eclipse as a Warning for an upcoming War – 2018


I finally took some time to take care of this site, I used it mainly as a draft to save my predictions and not so much to please the eye.

I am attempting to structure my “findings” in the next messages. Again be aware that I channel most of this information and my source is what I would like to call a higher one, it is not my job to judge or question the messages I receive but only to note them down at the moment of reception.

Discern for yourself. Starting from today I will also write down what I call “encoded” messages or messages that don’t seem to make sense or be clear to human understanding as I am open to being an absolute channel at this point and time. Some of these come in strange forms, some are poems.

The Eclipse and The Trumpet of War

When I heard about the Eclipse I knew that it was the first big Trumpet for an upcoming war. By my understanding 2017 and 2018 will be the last years to prepare for it, in case you are interested I suggest you google “survival” and “preparedness ” to start taking care of your life on a deeper level.

By October possibly November, to reformulate between October and the end of November 2018 we will be facing the beginning of a war. This war will come slowly, the signs will be evident but kept secret from common understanding.


The night sky will then set free (send forward) the (steal) eagle (bird). They shall come over night, for thirty-three hours (or days) preparing. The Blood moon will rise the waters, when dawn falls the waters will calm (chill) . The man with white robes will seek to control the armies (tides) . Till 2023 war will last. Abundant the water to be seen in the seas, the ships on fire canons bloating the seas. Alsas will colide (colapse) into the caspian seas returning the bandage back to its origin (original) (master).


I am unsure about the meaning of the message I received, however, I do see heavy naval activity, contrary to what my logic is telling me there is a medieval feeling to all of this. Very world war like. Alsas could be the name of a ship but it could also be some sort of special operation. I see Turkey as the possible “receptor”.

33 days or hours preparing could also be an indicator of how many ships or airplanes are being sent. The word “chill” gives me both the feeling of very cold (icy) waters and calm waters (perhaps the ocean).


 The God will be offered ( hanged) in the public plaza. Of feathers (fathers) and Gold the crowd yells hard to sun hanging high, the chief is in charge. A letter (paper) with money present. The bill of rights is emerged (held high) Similar scenario to the french revolution. The King emerges in sand and glory with a robe of blue – gold. (bluish gold)
The Parents of Estria (Istria) (Austria) are decision makers to the King (or Kings) in Hungary the crown is taken by the vitriols power. The lace ()* by poppe’s religion Fenster – Fenetre (window in german and french) in the church with holy mosaics exposed. 33 times the role (model) (?) is taken (roled) (roling the dices) (drawed like a lottery)


*  The word lace was associated with a red lace similar to the one in the picture. It could look like one of those aids or cancer laces people use as pins.


Predictions for 2017

Short explanation to these predictions: They are intuitive, I receive “messages” and write down as they are received. Some of them, do not make much sense at first and can be seen as metaphors. Some do not come in clear english, those parts will be marked as (?)

Please note that some of those messages are possibilities that may come to occur, some may happen and others wont.

Channeled on 26/10/2016 – Predicitons for 2017

MARCH – Military in Russia (Moscou) reunion to “re-elect” / elect.

ISIS attack can be seen but the month is not clear, I see either MARCH or APRIL or MAI, APRIL is to be seen as an “intermediate point” or bridge (?) Possible countries of the attack or attacks: Scandinavia, Netherlands, Belgium or Luxenburg. The strongest feeling I have is in Sweden or near Sweden.

APRIL – ISIS attack can be seen but the month is not clear, I see either MARCH or APRIL or MAI, APRIL is to be seen as an “intermediate point” or bridge (?) Possible countries of the attack or attacks: Scandinavia, Netherlands, Belgium or Luxenburg. The strongest feeling I have is in Sweden or near Sweden.

MAI – ISIS attack can be seen but the month is not clear, I see either MARCH or APRIL or MAI, APRIL is to be seen as an “intermediate point” or bridge (?) Possible countries of the attack or attacks: Scandinavia, Netherlands, Belgium or Luxenburg. The strongest feeling I have is in Sweden or near Sweden.

Further details: I see a market hall or market place, a church and a place for cars to park. There is a statue of an angel or “justice” figure with wings. It seems like an antique style of statue. I have attached a picture.

JUNE – Earth quake by June 17 Ontario Canada alarm will go out to sky scrapers and sky airplanes big devastation among northern circle of region / circle – counry.

Predicitons without date for 2017

Sand looks like an Island or like an island (place) shore, naval conflict at an island ship to be seen place is unknown could be malasia

Malaria comes very strong in Uganda or (?) Malasia very strong conflicts with boats or naval conflict.

Dollar increases 24% large growth, there is a catastrophe in the east of Asia with storms I can see “oil” on the floor (coul be petrol) it looks like an Island

Problems at the Golden Gate ( Florida) mass murder scandar with 200 dead people or 20 dead people it is a hate crime there is an older community many people in advanced ages (?)

Ashley Tisdale either very strong problems with drugs or dies on a overdose of drugs or overdose in November or September or Dezember 2017 first signs in September or August.

Volcano eruption in Madagascar to be seen in 2017.

Other received information that was unclear of possibly not received the correct way

Petrol market will be affected by destruction oil spill in 2018-2019 large burning to be seen also involves a large florest could be the amazonas – nile region is connected possibly. Death threat coming from (osama binladen? This may be a message related to someone with a similar name as he was declared dead years ago) Binlade lives in a cave near sarhafad (galea / galia) gobi desert                                                regions of northern hemisphere attack by several stones falling dow from sky possible meteor showers 2026  attack under Syrya by asian countries later on in 2019 french president asassinated shot by afgan / american (soldier) or armed (?) either in 2028 or 2018 or 18. 2018 not sure about the time as I did not receive it very clearly.

Predictions without times 

Arab dominator called Mustafa Mussad (or similar name) seen in dictatorship in arabia

Large oil spill devastating project in a (?) Anatolia also possible in Armenia

Alien contact first publicly in 2023 and 2028, will be ignored as satelie that is circulating as trash in the universe light codes transmited by “binary waves” (?)

Further predicitons with unclear context or message

Portal activation possible at 2032 to other multiverse colonization of mars by this time completed succesfull – Bahamas at high risk of natural catastophre even volcano eruption is possible earth is shaking harmful smokes or effects to surrounding (?) too large smoke cloud seen very large with circle (belize care (?) dezember 2018 or dezember end this year – pioneer at digging lables (?)

Isis relationship with Asia ( this message has come several times like they are working together ) Asia refering to asians

New nobel price in science goes to bioengineering / molecular alternation /alternation ( changes ) via protons and (?) INCOMPLETE INFO

2027 – War between Syria and Turky escalates

2033 could be an age of massive destruction if no precautions are taken I see a chemical / biological disaster that is larger in amplitude than any disaster before.

There is an arch were they are kept and come from thin arch is located at the peek of a state mountain (?) in dalas texas

Predicitions for 2017 to 2023 – Updated in 13.04.2017

The attack in Sweden has been confirmed now, as we know by now a large vehicle drove into a shopping center (market place) and as I described there was a market center and a church near. Please look at my drawing and now the place that the attack took place below:

Place that I predicted, the church and the "market place with sellers" the church is on the left side in that street
Place that I predicted, the church and the “market place with sellers” the church is on the left side in that street






Here we have the place of the terror attack ” Ahléns city ” in Stockholm. The church (Sta. Clara Church) is presented to the left. The place of the attack was a market happ or shopping center and the street is a commece place.














I have been receiving more predictions (channeled or just received by spirit) in the last weeks and will be posting them here. I will also add some predicitons that I made in 2016 which I have not shared yet.


Predictions that I saw in 2016 but did not happen yet

  1. December (was supposed to be 2016) (day is though to be the 2nd) large crime towards the area of Russia (EURASIA) – “Pacific ocean rising to Mai-April 2017”
  2.  Putin is to be seen with a dark blue suit (very memorable) giving a conference in Krakow (Warschaw) Poland of political matters, global war threat possible at this time including Russia and Turky (Poland strongly present at this time) time frame ends only in April / Mai 2017
  3.  Conference were it will be determined who is responsible for the eastern conflict. Israel and Isis ” Isis questions coming from Israel”Baschar-Al-Assad strongly involved.


Predictions for World Wars to come updated in April 2017

2018 – A World War will start at this time altough it is very slowly with one confict here and one conflict there, there will be bombings and other attacks between countries. I see that Europe will sooner or later be involved in the war.

2019 – War is now between 2 or 3 countries and gets larger at 2023. China will play an important part and Turky too, these two countries could be involved.

2023 – War will now escalate and become the epicenter. Possibly the war will last about 5 years untill it de-escalates.

Countries I see: United States, China, Russia and Turky


Predictions for 2017 updated in April 2017

I have been told that this year there would be a total of over 12 attacks this year (including small and larger ones) all terror related which in my opinion is a large number.

September 2017 – Tel Aviv could be under attack at this time, I see the 21st September but an exact date is obviously very hard to nail down. It is not sure yet if this attack will take place but it will be considered, maybe they will do it after September. The attack is both milotary and could be financial in nature too, I see tanks entering the country, the attacking country is either or Arab origin, Palestina or arab related (has connections with the arabs or arabian nations).

2 species related to felines (one is a feline the other one an insect, the feline is similar to a bob cat or a lynx) will be extinted this year.

Without date: Italy, Sweden and Spain will have right wing politics in the future, Spain has immigration laws that are very strict later on.

The United Sates and the wall: If the wall gets built (at all) it will only be partially built not the whole wall and not before 2018.


Predictions for 2018

Bruxels is having trouble with the European Union (2018) 

” Strong atmosferic signalization in 2020 ” the space or air will be limited and have signs to limit its space, its a new thing.

Japan will make a pact or have a conference this year, this is a very important one and it is related to security issues or military issues and I do get the schengen space


Next Terror Attacks from Isis and general Attacks

Dalas, Texas has problems in the Summer with burning spaces (June, July or August) places are being vandalized at this time.

There is an attack that is being planned in the Netherlands for some time now but they haven’t done it yet. The time frame is sadly not certain but it could be a place near a port because I see oceans or water or ships.

Dezember 2017 in Austria I see a market fair or place to sell things I believe it is a market and there will be a attack with (probably a knife) there are little roofs that are red and white.

Moscow will have problems in the next 2 years, Putin puts an ultimatum to Turky.


North Korea

I do not see a war here, I see them “poking” Japan but it is not an extraordinary attack, could be only a building or too and I see the ocean also as a target place.

North Korea will have a war with China which escalates in 2027. Korea is testing weapons in the ocean.



Will start an attack (military) to be seen in 2028 and again I see Russia involved or related.










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