World Predicitons

The Solar Eclipse as a Warning for an upcoming War – 2018


I finally took some time to take care of this site, I used it mainly as a draft to save my predictions and not so much to please the eye.

I am attempting to structure my “findings” in the next messages. Again be aware that I channel most of this information and my source is what I would like to call a higher one, it is not my job to judge or question the messages I receive but only to note them down at the moment of reception.

Discern for yourself. Starting from today I will also write down what I call “encoded” messages or messages that don’t seem to make sense or be clear to human understanding as I am open to being an absolute channel at this point and time. Some of these come in strange forms, some are poems.

The Eclipse and The Trumpet of War

When I heard about the Eclipse I knew that it was the first big Trumpet for an upcoming war. By my understanding 2017 and 2018 will be the last years to prepare for it, in case you are interested I suggest you google “survival” and “preparedness ” to start taking care of your life on a deeper level.

By October possibly November, to reformulate between October and the end of November 2018 we will be facing the beginning of a war. This war will come slowly, the signs will be evident but kept secret from common understanding.


The night sky will then set free (send forward) the (steal) eagle (bird). They shall come over night, for thirty-three hours (or days) preparing. The Blood moon will rise the waters, when dawn falls the waters will calm (chill) . The man with white robes will seek to control the armies (tides) . Till 2023 war will last. Abundant the water to be seen in the seas, the ships on fire canons bloating the seas. Alsas will colide (colapse) into the caspian seas returning the bandage back to its origin (original) (master).


I am unsure about the meaning of the message I received, however, I do see heavy naval activity, contrary to what my logic is telling me there is a medieval feeling to all of this. Very world war like. Alsas could be the name of a ship but it could also be some sort of special operation. I see Turkey as the possible “receptor”.

33 days or hours preparing could also be an indicator of how many ships or airplanes are being sent. The word “chill” gives me both the feeling of very cold (icy) waters and calm waters (perhaps the ocean).


 The God will be offered ( hanged) in the public plaza. Of feathers (fathers) and Gold the crowd yells hard to sun hanging high, the chief is in charge. A letter (paper) with money present. The bill of rights is emerged (held high) Similar scenario to the french revolution. The King emerges in sand and glory with a robe of blue – gold. (bluish gold)
The Parents of Estria (Istria) (Austria) are decision makers to the King (or Kings) in Hungary the crown is taken by the vitriols power. The lace ()* by poppe’s religion Fenster – Fenetre (window in german and french) in the church with holy mosaics exposed. 33 times the role (model) (?) is taken (roled) (roling the dices) (drawed like a lottery)


*  The word lace was associated with a red lace similar to the one in the picture. It could look like one of those aids or cancer laces people use as pins.


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